Monday, June 25, 2012

Flying Flowers

That's right!
I've got flying flowers in my garden - at last!
Well, it's not really a flower, but a yellow Monarch butterfly.
I spotted it hanging around the flowers on the sage  plants two days ago.
It was out and off around the corner before I could even get close enough
to check those black stripes.
Today, I silently watch it circle around the alder branches in the back yard,
again moving so quickly that there was no time to grab my camera.
This little guy is fast!
Perhaps it's the only way to survive in this world, as there are lots of
hungry birds out back.
Tomorrow, I'll build a Butterfly Feeding Station, with water and bits
of fruit. Maybe that will slow him (or her) down long enough for a picture.
One can hope.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Where Are All The Flowers??

My vertical garden is growing nicely - lots of stems and leaves, but no flowers.
It has been a cool, wet spring but there's not even a bud on those vines.
I was hoping that this Silver Lace Vine would be up to the challenge of
this semi-shady area, so I think I'll have to wait for a bit longer.
And pray for some sunshine!